The Only Porn Free Phone
Want to rebuild trust in your relationships, but don’t know how
You are actively fighting addiction and yearn for freedom
Are worn out from the constant availability of explicit material in your pocket.
Tired of filters and software with workarounds
The Only
Porn Free Phone.
Want to rebuild trust in your relationships, but don’t know how
You are actively fighting addiction and yearn for freedom
Are worn out from the constant availability of explicit material in your pocket.
Tired of filters and software with workarounds
I'm Ready for Wisephone
Top 5 Reasons People Who Value Sexual Integrity Love Wisephone
Unwavering Purity: Ever heard the phrase “if you eye causes you to sin, pluck it out?” Doing meaningful work in resisting addiction takes real (and sometimes extreme) action. Using Wisephone is a real commitment. There is a cost (convenience and money). It is worth it.
Filtering software has loopholes, routers can be bypassed - there are vulnerabilities at the OS level on every major device out there…except Wisephone. We made this thing to be unbeatable, unhackable, and trustworthy.

The Techless team has a moral commitment to never allow pornography on any product we create. We’re shooting for 99.99% purity ;). This is a far cry from anything coming out of Silicon Valley. We created Techless out of a genuine desire to move the needle on pornography addiction worldwide. Our logo is inspired by a wedding ring, a symbol of commitment to purity. We’re forever supporting you in a way Big Tech never will.
Support the Future of Porn-Free Tech
It blows our mind that pornography access for kids is illegal, yet there are zero legal protections for a five-year-old typing in 4 letters in a search bar and seeing anything. serves up 2.2 billion ad impressions on mobile per day! Imagine a world where half the kids in America live a porn-free childhood. Imagine a world where people that don’t want to be sucked into porn addiction actually have devices to live out that vision. By buying a Wisephone, you are supporting the creation of this world.

Focused Mind
A minimalist phone removes distractions and keeps your mind focused on what truly matters in your life. With no access to explicit material, you can channel your mental energy into personal growth, relationships, and passions.
Enhanced Accountability
With restricted access to explicit content, you eliminate the risk of accidental exposure. If you want it, you can have a separate “account owner” that can have full access to your calls, messages & location history. We’ve seen marriages saved, trust rebuilt, and roads to forgiveness paved with this vulnerable, genuine access. Your phone provides an additional layer of accountability, instead of being the gateway to evil following you around in your pocket all day, every day.

Peace of Mind
Knowing that your phone won't lead you down an inappropriate path brings peace of mind. You can use your device without fear, guilt, or anxiety, allowing you to live out your values.
Stronger Relationships
A minimalist phone promotes healthy relationships by reducing the risk of secret or destructive habits. Your commitment to transparency can lead to more open and fulfilling connections with your spouse, kids, friends & family.

Increase Resilience & Discipline
Fighting addiction is a noble and exhausting endeavor. Wisephone isn’t the silver bullet that solves all your addiction problems BUT it removes the #1 gateway for temptation and helps give your discipline muscles a break, so they can rest, and be stronger for the moments when you really need to use them.
Wisephone may not be for you if...
Hard Things Are Too Hard
If you’re not willing to check your email on your laptop and insist it must be in your pocket…if you refuse to go to counseling…if you won’t tell a soul about your addiction…If you aren’t willing to do hard things to starve your addiction, then Wisephone won’t be the cure for your lack of commitment to tackle this thing head on.
Healthy Habits are Boring
Why choose a phone that promotes a healthy, balanced life when you can keep chasing that dopamine rush from explicit content?
No More Excuses
With a minimalist phone, you won't have the perfect excuse to claim you accidentally stumbled upon inappropriate material. You'll have to take responsibility and own it.
Accountability is Overrated
Why have a phone that helps you stay accountable when you can continue hiding your addiction from yourself and others.
Rocky Relationships Rule
Minimalist phones promote healthy relationships. Who needs that when you can keep your loved ones at arm's length and ruin your connections with your addiction instead?
Denial is Bliss
With a minimalist phone, you can't deny the problem anymore. You'll have to confront it head-on. Denial is easier.
The Comfort Zone Forever
Wisephone challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace a healthier, more fulfilling life. But who needs change when you can stay snug in your little addiction cocoon forever?
Overcoming addiction is a challenging journey, and Wisephone can be a valuable tool to help maintain sobriety and build resilience and energy for the times that matter. If now’s not the time for you…we’ll be here for you when you’re ready.

Wisephone Features For Purity
Accountability in the Family Portal
No Browser or Social Media Apps
No loopholes or additional software to install
Reliable call and messaging tools
Simple camera features
Easy updates
Get a Wisephone